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ancient medicine中文是什么意思

用"ancient medicine"造句"ancient medicine"怎么读"ancient medicine" in a sentence


  • 古代医学


  • On ancient medicine - related literature
  • The combination of ancient medicine with western science provides better healing solutions for people looking for good health
  • Both are better . more and more m . d . s are mixing ancient medicine and new science to treat everything from the common cold to heart disease . " said
    双管齐下更好。现在越来越多的医生把古老的医药和新科技结合起来治疗从感冒到心脏病的一切疾病。 ”
  • While western techniques are clearly better at dealing with trauma and bacterial infection , the ancient medicine is more successful with chronic diseases such as asthma
  • Ancient medicine is also called alternative medicine , which includes chiropractic , naturopathic , homeopathic , and chinese therapies such as acupuncture , massage , and traditional chinese medicine ( tcm )
    古老的疗法也称为另类疗法,包括按摩脊柱疗法,物理疗法,顺势疗法和中医疗法,如针灸,推拿和传统中药( tcm ) 。
  • Contains pearl , which recorded in “ chinese ancient medicine dictionary ” with the performance of purification and white , yu zhu ( polygonum officinale ) , bai shao ( paeonia abliflora ) and so on more than 10 kinds of the korean herbs
  • The thesis reviews the origin , development , forms and features of huizhou nuo culture , and analyzes the relationship between huizhou nuo culture and ancient medical and health , and discusses the promoting effect of ancient huizhou nuo culture on the evolvement of ancient medicine and therapeutic exercise
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